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October 4, 2024

By Heather Michelle Williams


Emmanuel said one day, “Adults can be kind of dramatic sometimes. Like when I carry Samuel on my shoulders, they say, ‘He could bust his head open on the floor!’”  I guess he is right. That is dramatic, but I told him that adults get scared sometimes, too. And that is just how we respond to it. Why is it so funny when kids call adults out on something?!

Kids surprise us sometimes with their persepctives. I never thought about it like that. Here's another one.

In one of the Despicable Me movies, the little girl is practicing for a Mother’s Day play. She doesn’t have a mother, so she just has to act a part that she is unfamiliar with. She robotically practices her line, speaking of her pretend mother in a monotone, “She kisses my boo boos. She braids my hair. We love you mothers everywhere.”

My 7-year-old Hosanna was copying this line randomly. She said in the same monotone, robotic voice, “She kisses my boo boos. She braids my hair. She beat boxes at bedtime.”

This was too funny to me! She said it just as if it were the most normal motherly thing to experience. However, her mother is not quite normal! That’s me! Yes, I was being funny and beat boxed while telling her goodnight the night before! Realizing kids’ perspective is so fun sometimes.

We all live in our own shoes and experience life as we see it. But imagining someone else's, especially kids', world of experience is sobering and entertaining sometimes!

We were all discussing what ifs in the kitchen yesterday. I said, "What if we all had to sleep in someone else’s bed for the night?"

The kids got all excited and wanted to do that! We drew names to see whose bed we got. Judah, my oldest, got my bed. He was pretending that since he got my bed, he had to BE me in the morning.

Emmanuel encouraged that thought, “Judah, that means you will have to read the bible and pray in the morning.”

I added, “And drink yummy coffee.”

“Ooh, yeah, that’s the best part,” Judah joked.

I joked back, “That means you have to do the dishes before bed and deal with the little ones early in the morning!” That’s MY favorite part of swapping, haha!

“No, no…” Judah disagreed.

“If you’re going to be me, you have to be me all the way—you can’t pick and choose!” I laughed.

Then, I said, “Nah, we are just swapping beds, not being each other.”

That went okay. I got the bottom bunk in my girls’ room! It was actually pretty comfy. Judah slept like a king in my king-size bed!


I’m a single mom of kids who still grieve their dad’s passing. There is one of me and eight of them. We just have to do off-the-wall, fun stuff sometimes and create memories to laugh about later!

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2 commentaires

05 oct. 2024

So sorry to hear about the children's fathers passing. You are doing an AMAZING job bringing up your beautiful bunch of children there despite all the difficulties. May God continue to protect and prosper you all in Jesus name. God bless!

09 oct. 2024
En réponse à

Thank you so much. God is with me.

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